Saturday 31 December 2011

2012 arrive soon...


last day of 2011...

less than 24 hour in Malaysia to begin new year 2012......
Happy New year everyone.
Celebrate with happiness in new year eve yah.

Friday 30 December 2011

last friday in 2011

Today is still in the year 2011.... last 2 2012...
Countdown from now on...

Tuesday 27 December 2011

4 more days to 2012...

2012 (MMXII) will be a leap year starting on Sunday in the Gregorian calendar. It is the 2012th year of the Anno Domini or Common Era designation, the 12th year of the 3rd millennium and of the 21st century; and the 3rd of the 2010s decade.

2012 in other calendars

Gregorian calendar 2012 MMXII
Ab urbe condita 2765
Armenian calendar 1461 ԹՎ ՌՆԿԱ
Assyrian calendar 6762
Bahá'í calendar 168–169
Bengali calendar 1419
Berber calendar 2962
British Regnal year 60 Eliz. 2 – 61 Eliz. 2
Buddhist calendar 2556
Burmese calendar 1374
Byzantine calendar 7520–7521
Chinese calendar 辛卯年十二月初八日
— to —
Coptic calendar 1728–1729
Ethiopian calendar 2004–2005
Hebrew calendar 5772–5773
Hindu calendars
- Vikram Samvat 2068–2069
- Shaka Samvat 1934–1935
- Kali Yuga 5113–5114
Holocene calendar 12012
Iranian calendar 1390–1391
Islamic calendar 1433–1434
Japanese calendar Heisei 24
Korean calendar 4345
Minguo calendar ROC 101
Thai solar calendar 2555
Unix time 1325376000–1356998399

Thursday 22 December 2011


Happy Winter Solstice!











吃汤圆也是冬至的传统习俗,在江南尤为盛行。“汤圆”是冬至必备的食品,是一种用糯米粉制成的圆形甜品,“圆”意味着“团圆”“圆满”,冬至吃汤圆又叫“冬至团”。民间有“吃了汤圆大一岁”之说。冬至团可以用来祭祖,也可用于互赠亲朋。旧时上海人最讲究吃汤团。古人有诗云:“家家捣米做汤圆,知是明朝冬至天。” “圆”意味着“团圆”“圆满”。冬至吃汤圆,象征家庭和谐、吉祥。

Happy Dong Zhi...



过了冬2011年 快结束了。。。

Thursday 15 December 2011

World's most beautiful Bus Stops








8.Dubai - Air Condition



Thursday 1 December 2011

Last Month of 2011 start...

Soon 2012 arrive...
Hope everyone happy in the past 11 month + this month on year 2011
bring lot of new wish to year 2012. + Welcome next year..Dragon year in Chinese Calender.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Dog language...

Tuesday 15 November 2011

home Orchids

my mum's flowers...

Monday 7 November 2011

KARUVEPPILAI " @curry leaves @daun kari……

Take 22 leaves, bruise slightly, and leave to soak, overnight, in a cup of boiled and cooled water.
Strain, and drink first thing in the morning .

You can drink your tea/coffee 1/2 hour later.

See brief explanation below:

The value of “Karuveppilai" or the curry leaf is appreciated by a very few people .. Apart from its general use, Karapincha protects the liver and the liver cells and is even used as a medicinal cure of certain liver diseases, the control of high blood pressure, heart disease , diabetes and high cholesterol especially. It is an excellent culinary herb for fat reduction.

" Karuveppilai or curry leaves definitely reduces overweight” says Dr Vajira P.S. Seneviratne, Medical Officer, Government District Ayurveda Hospital, Beliatte ,Sri Lanka.“ The leaves contain nearly 18 amino acids and volatile oils which contributes a very specific fragrance .

Its medicinal properties and actions
help improve people’s digestive power and helps avoid constipation and softens stools. Karuveppilai also relieves flatulents and heals gastritis”.

Try "Karuveppilai porridge" and "Karuveppilai sambol" twice or thrice weekly.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Titanic New Version...

Wednesday 19 October 2011


milk cookies from japan.

Saturday 8 October 2011

不同的 相片

2 difference photo....Giant panda cubs lie in a crib at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Chengdu, Sichuan province, China.

Panda shape's Sushi serve on the Table

天生一对的猫咪XD 可爱+分享

so cute 2 little kitten...

Thursday 6 October 2011

more infor about Steve jobs

Apple Leadership - Steve Jobs


Steve Jobs’ Death: Bill Gates Issues Statement

"I will miss Steve immensely"


*Thanks Steve Jobs for create Apple products.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Don't buy Kiwi Fruit from China .

这位大婶在给猕猴桃洗澡吗? 不不不,她是在用膨 大剂蘸泡猕猴桃膨大期嫩果。  
被誉为猕猴桃之乡的 周至县,果农种植的猕猴桃依靠膨大剂增产。2010年周至县猕猴桃种植 面积达到30.7万亩,总产量25万吨。一些果农按照 去年总产量计算,依靠膨大剂能使猕猴桃净增产三 分之一,全县产量超过8万吨,而且当地超过90%的果农均采用膨大剂 增产,以保丰收。

The Kiwi Fruit are soaked with Chemical while growing on tree so that it will grow larger and weigh heavier..
果农正用勾兑好的 膨大剂蘸泡猕猴桃膨大期嫩果。膨大剂俗称大果 ,也叫膨大素,主要刺激细胞分裂素的物质, 属于激素类化学物质,对植物可产生助长、速长的作 用。有关研究表明,使用膨大剂后的果蔬味道变淡、口 感差,不利于长时间储藏。同时, 人体危害主要是神经系 统,也有可能造成儿童发育不良、痴呆等。
They are using some kind of GROWTH Chemical Hormones that can have bad effect to your nervous system,
birth defects , retard learning ability to children.
周至县楼观镇西楼村 一果农将两瓶膨大剂按比例兑入水中。南司竹村一 位果农说, 猴桃不使用膨大剂,果体小,难以销售,果商 也不愿意购买,产量、产值都会下降。 且周至县各乡镇、村落,以及县城的农资经销店随 处都能买到四川或杨凌产的膨大剂。膨大剂使一个100克的猕猴桃,净增80克左右。
The Kiwi fruits , after soaking in the Chemical Hormone will grow larger and are more preferable by the merchants !
Most the fruit are from the Sichuan area.... Just BASICALLY MORE PROFITABLE TOO... !
村一果农将勾兑好的膨大剂灌入蘸果器,准备蘸泡 猕猴桃嫩果
至县司竹乡南司竹村果农用膨大剂蘸泡猕猴桃膨大 期嫩果
后代担忧。。。现在还有安全食品么?有木有??有木 有???


Friday 16 September 2011

Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan...

Hari Malaysia
Siaran langsung dari tv1
Mula 8am.
selama 2jam.
Selamat Hari Malaysia

Monday 12 September 2011


AEC...301 ASTRO.
8PM- 10PM

Sunday 4 September 2011

昨日去了第六届海外华文书市...yesterday went to BookFest@Malaysia2011

买了几本书 & 杂志
Book and magazine from BookFest@Malaysia 2011

BookFest @ Malaysia 2011-第六届海外华文书市

Catch the BookFest @ Malaysia 2011
at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC),
Hall 1 - 5 from 10am till 10pm.
27 August 2011 to 4 September 2011
BookFest @ Malaysia 2011 is a commercial book fair which assemble leading publishers from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore and Malaysia and of course, book lovers. It is a one-stop venue for a comprehensive range of the latest publications, book releases, multimedia and magazines showcasing.
2011 马来西亚海外华文书市”是个云集中国、香港、台湾、英国、加拿大、 新加坡以及马来西亚各国主要出版业者的商业书展。当然这也是个吸引阅读爱好者前来 参观的一站式书展。这里综合了亚洲最新、最棒的书籍、杂志、多媒体影音光碟 、文具等等,展示出最全面的书籍系列与商品。

Thursday 1 September 2011

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Selamat Hari Raya and Hari Merdeka...

menyampaikan salam...
Selamat Hari Raya
Kepada kawan-kawan yang merayakan hari yang mulia ini.

ucapkan Selamat Hari kemerdekaan ke-54 kepada Warga Malaysian.

Happy Hari raya and Happy Malaysia 54TH Independent day.

Hari Raya 2011 celebrate on 30 August 2011 for first day.

This year the theme of Independence Day in 2011 is
"1 Malaysia: Successful Transformation of the People's Peace" .

National day celebrations on August 31, 2011

Thursday 25 August 2011


cute right?

Sunday 14 August 2011


許的願是。。。不告诉你们,保密 哦!

Thursday 11 August 2011









於是提高音量說, 是「犯人的嫌疑犯!」 ,

阿力聽了覺得很有道理, 於是再加上三個字「飯冷的鹹魚飯」





老師只好走到阿力身邊, 然後手按阿力的肩膀說,




八 成是 老師發音有問題!!!

这。。。文章是从电子邮件那看 到的, 把它张贴在这里。。给大家分享咯!

Monday 8 August 2011

August 8...

hello, everyone, August 2011 arrive.....

some information about Horoscope

Your imagination revs into overtime this week. Lions delve deep into their psyche and come up with some fairly outrageous scenarios. Clear your mind and see what and who wafts in. Plan a seance, create a myth and become a muse. At very least just be amusing. Uh, maybe its time to hang up your turban and take a long awaited and well deserved vacation.

Watch what you say and do in any social situation now. You think you are being funny. But some of your stray comments can upend the dynamics among a particular circle of your friends. Queer Virgins prefer to remain on the fringes of the group where they can observe and assess. Now all eyes are upon you. Do you have a milk moustache?

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Why no salt?

Can I put salt in my baby's food? This will also include the ever famous ikan bilis

I've just reviewed a good article about why we should not give salt or anything salty to babies who are weaning and starting solids.

You should not add salt to your baby's food in the first year as this may damage her kidneys. At this age, your baby's kidneys are not mature enough to handle the salt loading. Besides, salt exists naturally in the foods you feed your baby.
In the first six months of life your baby needs less than 1g of salt per day, which she will usually obtain from breastmilk or formula milk. Between seven and 12 months this increases slightly to around 1g. Toddlers aged one to three years need less than 2g (this is the equivalent of 0.8g sodium per day).

To stay within these recommendations you should aim to:
• limit salty foods in your baby's diet
• don't add salt during cooking
• avoid processed foods, such as ready meals, pies, biscuits, crackers, soups, gravies, sauces, pizza, tinned vegetables, cheese, bacon and crisps, which are all very high in salt, and offer low-salt alternatives.

Foods made specifically for babies, such as jar foods and infant cereals, have a low salt content, as salt is not added during processing. These should not be confused with foods aimed at older children. These can be highly processed and have a high salt content and are therefore not suitable for your baby.

If you do choose to offer your baby or toddler high-salt foods, it is recommended that you only offer small amounts occasionally.

Salt is usually labelled as sodium on food labels: 1g of sodium is equivalent to 2.55g of salt. Read food labels carefully and aim to choose those foods with a sodium content of no more than 0.1g of sodium per 100g.

Suitable low-salt foods for your baby include fruit, vegetables and salad, plain meat, poultry and fish, eggs, pulses and milk. Whether they are fresh, tinned or frozen shouldn't make a difference as long as they have no added salt (tinned vegetables often have salt added so be especially careful to check these). Rice and dried pastas are also low in salt provided they have had no salt added during cooking. Make a habit of reading food labels, and you will soon get to know which are the most suitable foods to buy.

Reviewed by Dr Tan Siew Pin

p/s best to rendam dulu the ikan bilis to get rid of lebihan garam...its much better

#copy from Baby talk and more blog.
#pls all mama and daddy read this :-).
*important, take care your baby more.

Sunday 3 July 2011


These are the drinks that are alleged to be poisonous.
My suggestion is do not indulge in packet drinks,
whether from Taiwan or anywhere else.

Sunday 26 June 2011







  • 6粒(约12g)生白果仁
  • 20g 干腐竹
  • 20g 芥兰
  • 20g 潮州咸菜
  • 50g 香米
  • 1/2茶匙(3ml)芝麻香油
  • 10g 香葱
  • 300ml 骨汤
Directions :
  1. 干腐竹用温水泡开,切成2cm的斜段;潮州咸菜用流动水冲洗干净,切成丝;香葱洗净,切成小粒;芥兰洗净切碎;香米淘洗一次,放入砂锅中,备用。
  2. 将骨汤倒入砂锅中与香米拌匀,移至灶台上用大火煮开,再转小火煲煮至香米六成熟。
  3. 放入生白果仁、腐竹段、芥兰碎和潮州咸菜继续煲煮至所有原料成熟,调入芝麻香油搅拌均匀,离火。
  4. 最后,将切好的香葱撒在上面即可。

Tuesday 21 June 2011

junk food

What is a Junk Food?

Any food that has poor nutritional value is considered unhealthy and may be called a junk food. A food that is high in fat, sodium, and/or sugar is known as a junk food. Junk food is easy to carry, purchase and consume. Generally, a junk food is given a very attractive appearance by adding food additives and colors to enhance flavor, texture, appearance, and increasing long self life.

A junk food has little enzyme producing vitamins & minerals and contains high level of calories. When we eat these empty calorie foods, the body is required to produce its own enzymes to convert these empty calories into usable energy. This is not desired as these enzyme producing functions in our body should be reserved for the performance of vital metabolic reactions.

Since junk food is high in fats and sugars, it is responsible for obesity, dental cavities, Type 2 diabetes and heart diseases.

A fast food may also be a junk food. Look into the calories present in fast food of different make.

Some junk food pictures of beef burger, french fries, coco cola, and potato chips and cinema popcorns.

Cinema popcorn: Popcorns are healthy but the one sold in cinemas are nutritional horror. The Center for Science in the Public Interest compared in Nov 2009 some popcorn and drinks combos sold at key movie theater chains in USA and found the following:

A medium popcorn and soda combo at Regal, the United States' biggest movie theater chain, contains1610 calories and 60 grams of saturated fat.

At AMC theaters, a large popcorn contains 1030 calories and 57 grams of saturated fat.

The high calorie counts could be due to the fact that corn was popped in coconut oil. Popcorn cooked in canola oil showed lower levels of saturated fats but similar levels of calories and sodium.

List of Junk Foods

Given below is a list of junk food (empty calorie) items that you should avoid. It is now up to you how you can keep your four trillion cells happy.

  • Sugars, Refined foods, like sugar and plain flour (maida) based items like white bread and most packaged goods, like Twinkies and sugar donuts, etc. (Sugar Substitutes)Our body eventually turns sugars into fat. If you consume just 3 tsp of sugar daily, imagine how much sugar you would have consumed by the time you are 50 years of age; it will be about 275 kg !, about 5 time your weight !!
  • Fats & Hydrogenated oils They are found in cookies, chips, candy bars, fried foods, muffins, bologna, etc. etc. Many snacks, such as potato chips, cheeseburgers and fries, have high levels of fat, sugar or salt-ingredients that are usually best limited to a small portion of your diet. Thesaturated fat mainly comes from animal products. Rememberthere is nothing that is useful for our body in foods with hydrogenated or trans fat.
    The excessive fats stick to our arteries and cause the blockages leading to heart disease and strokes. They can also aid to cancer, arthritis, PMS and sexual dysfunction.
    Some fats like Omega-3 fatty acids are good for our bodies.
  • Salt: Excessive salt is not good for our body (Daily Salt Recommendation). However, sodium in moderate amount, along with potassium, maintains the water balance in our body. But too much sodium can cause high blood pressure. Pretzels, chips and many canned food items contain excessive salt. (High sodium food list)

Junk Food & Cholesterol

Fried and processed food, particularly fast food, contains high amounts ofoxycholesterol, Reports Scientists from China in the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in August 2009. Oxycholesterol is a little-known type of cholesterol which may prove to be the lethal to heart health.

A healthy diet rich in antioxidants can counter these effects.